Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2021)                   kurmanj 2021, 3(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Armin M H, Roslin V P. The Effect of Nonverbal Communication Training on Iranian EFL Learners' Perception of Communicative Competence and Communication Apprehension. kurmanj 2021; 3 (1) :1-11
URL: http://kurmanj.srpub.org/article-2-77-en.html
Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
Abstract:   (2795 Views)
Researchers have asserted that the sense of uncertainty of the other person’s nonverbal cues during a conversation, could become an inhibitor for good communication and accordingly create anxiety. Since not much has been done to empirically prove such assumptions, this study explores the effect of Nonverbal Communication training on Iranian EFL learners’ perception of communication apprehension and communicative competence. In order to conduct this quasi-experimental study, intermediate level Iranian EFL learners from two intact classes studying in a language institute were selected through convenience sampling. These study participants were assigned to the Control Group (n=27) and the Experimental Group (n=32), respectively. Both groups were trained in speaking skills within a span of ten sessions in accordance with the regular method used in the study venue. The only difference was that the Experimental Group was trained in non-verbal communication incorporated into their regular speaking classes as an intervention program. The SPCC and PRCA-24 self-report questionnaires were used to collect learners’ perception of communicative competence and communication apprehension prior and subsequent to the intervention program. These pretest and posttest measures were then analyzed to test the null hypotheses of this study using two sets of the Analysis of Covariance. The results showed an empirically significant increase in the self-perceived communication competence and a simultaneous decrease in the personal report of communication apprehension scores of the Iranian EFL learners in the experimental group who participated in the intervention program. On the other hand, the control group students, who were not provided with the non-verbal communication training, perceived no significant changes in neither their communication competence nor their communication apprehension. This empirical evidence suggests that familiarity with non-verbal cues of the target language could positively affect learners’ perception of their speaking ability and lower speaking anxiety. Thus, this study not only provides evidence as to the effectiveness of incorporating non-verbal communication training in speaking classes in decreasing apprehension and increasing communicative competence but it also provides a sample within which this training can be integrated into a regular language learning class. The findings contribute to EFL research on the importance of nonverbal communication in the teaching and learning of the speaking skill and provide input for further analysis in this context.
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Humanities: Research | Subject: language teaching
Received: 2020/12/10 | Revised: 2021/01/6 | Accepted: 2021/01/10 | Published: 2021/01/30

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